
Writing tips
The most effective writing practice at home is when a child writes for a purpose and receives feedback through praise and modelling. Here are some examples:

  • Child writes on post-its to family members about wants and needs. E.g. Can we go to Potters Park today and wear togs, even though it's freezing!
  • Family member writes back E.g. That's a great idea. You have a choice of Potters park or Rocket Park. Which is the best in your opinion?
  • Write an email together to a friend, family member or the teacher.
  • Write captions to photos/drawings from a fun time. Put it on the fridge or bring it in to school for news.
  • Make a card for an elderly neighbour or relative.

Writing websites
Click here to match letters with pictures.

Click here for some story making fun! Type a story and create pictures to go with your story. You will need an adult first to help you get started. Choose the free option on this website.

Click here for an amazing story maker. Press "Click to begin." Choose pictures and type in your story. Happy writing!
